Songs from Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest

Play Name Artist(s) Duel Rank
A Kong of Ice & Fire mo.oorgan November 2024: David Wise Month 17/34
Acoustic Lava thesamareaye July 2007: Donkey Kong Month ALT
Bayou of the Mind's Eye Ian Martyn
November 2024: David Wise Month 29/34
Can't Stop the Hot Head Bop AMT March 2010: Free Month 14/22
Checkpoint ThisIsJayC
colorado weeks
December 2024: Super Smash Bros. Month 13/28
Detox Tower TheManPF
Zach Chapman
November 2024: David Wise Month 20/34
Dixie's Trixie Mix Tape GirlPowell November 2024: David Wise Month 3/34
DK DrumNBaris The DK DrumNBari Collective
Jess Destramp
Dave Dolengewicz
Thomas Kresge
November 2024: David Wise Month 13/34
Enchantey Snakey Shea's Violin November 2024: David Wise Month 4/34
Essence of the Woodlands Ergosonic September 2009: Rareware Month 1/13
Expand Sails Midee February 2015: Brevity Month 1/32
Finest Polka General Grunt
Ian Martyn
July 2021: Vocal Month 16/28
Fire Coming Out of the Crocodile's Head TheManPF January 2022: Brevity Month 25/33
FUNKY FRESH The Anonymous DoD Contestant
Lynn Favin
November 2024: David Wise Month 1/34
Hot Apes In Your Area (Team 90s) packetpupper December 2016: 80s vs 90s Month 31/37
Hot Head Bop tibonev August 2020: Free Month 22/25
I'm Not Alone angrypolarbear
November 2024: David Wise Month 10/34
Instigating Whispers AFM Swordbreaker July 2007: Donkey Kong Month 10/10
Ivy Inferno Harpsibored June 2021: VGLS Month 2/18
Kapt. K-Rool's Theme Parallel Universe Band June 2008: Boss vs. Hero Month 20/23
Kremland's Stupid Happy Boat Ride( Complete Ride Through Mix) General Grunt
Michelle Dreyband
Dylan William van de Wal
David Lallande
Pixels & Paradiddles
Ian Martyn
Shea's Violin
Nemo Fairlight
November 2024: David Wise Month ALT
Lava Croc Boogie FreddySquarepants November 2024: David Wise Month ALT
Lava Dead Beat Battlerager May 2007: Fire vs. Ice Month 14/23
Lockjaw Stock and Barrel Hyde209 April 2014: Free Month 10/19
Monkey Tits With Icy Hard Nipples Harpsibored November 2024: David Wise Month 11/34
Monkeys Disarm Your Kremlings Nekofrog
September 2009: Rareware Month 2/13
Party's Over Here Hope Fails May 2009: Free Month 10/22
Red-Hot Ride Cymbal Triple B Music April 2021: Free Month 15/43
Rest Tonight Darangen August 2006: Free Month 3/20
Squitter Songo bjkmenu May 2007: Fire vs. Ice Month 14/23
Stickbrush Brambles Corax
July 2007: Donkey Kong Month 6/10
StickerRush Brambles Eponymized February 2009: Free Month 18/25
StickerRush Brambles (Clean) Eponymized February 2009: Free Month ALT
Sunday in the Park with Dave EndlessRepeat November 2024: David Wise Month 16/34
Take Me Away Darangen November 2006: Free Month ALT
The Singer Rests Tonight (original - Darangen) Scaredsim August 2011: Recover Month 5/15
Tides of Darkness Vegeroth
July 2007: Donkey Kong Month 7/10
Trapped in the Mines Geoffrey Taucer
Jose the Bronx Rican
December 2008: Sidescrollers Month 19/35
Web Woods Careless Juja
Steven Melin
May 2017: Europe Month 4/14
You And Your Monkey Partner Are Dead Triple B Music January 2023: Brevity Month 24/58

Medleys featuring Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest