September 2013: 10th Anniversary Month ZIP Archive of Songs Listening Party Log YouTube Playlist

Play Rank Song Artist(s) Game(s)
1 Peter's Chase Harmsing Super Spy Hunter
2 Final Lap GirlPowell F-Zero
3 Dwelling Of Heroes CarboHydroM
Max Noel
Gunstar Heroes
4 Green Death, Brown Creep Cursed Lemon Super Metroid
5 Astral Beast Dr. Manhattan The Ooze
6 Never Say Die Tackle Final Fantasy 7
Pinball Illusions
7 Brain Shuffle ansgaros Final Fantasy 5
Metal Gear
Lufia 2: Rise of the Sinistrals
Super Street Fighter 2
Mega Man 2
Castlevania 3: Dracula's Curse
8 Dreaming For So Long Fishy Final Fantasy X
9 386 Cylinder Stemage
Adam Henry
Indianapolis 500
Test Drive 3
10 Hyperdrive Scaredsim Night Striker
Ninja Warriors
11 Wizards and Warriors Reverence William Reyes Wizards & Warriors
12 Hey, April, Don't Cut Me No Slack Ryan8bit Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Arcade Game
13 Mann Over The Castle Snappleman Slayin
14 Interstellar Sasuke 5ever Space Funkadet Sir Jordanius 3D Pinball Space Cadet
15 Eye of the Trigger Hope Fails Chrono Trigger
16 Take Revenge or Die Inrudiment Double Dragon 2: The Revenge
17 Gotta Go Fast M-H Sonic the Hedgehog 3
18 King of Spades norg Shovel Knight
19 Wandering Cellos Sidstyler Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
20 Vampire Tears GearX2 Castlevania
Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest
21 Bad News, Good Noose Travis Morgan Fester's Quest
23 T-90 Mak Eightman
Chris Schmidt
Battle City
24 You're Still Not Here Ailsean Silent Hill 3
25 The Cunt of Transylvania Daniel Alm DuckTales
26 Demetrius thesamareaye Gradius 4
27 Let All Go Away in a Sandstorm Boroda-kun Gradius 3
28 Written in Neon Sin Kadmium Final Fantasy 7
29 Summer in the Little Town Ivan Hakštok Chrono Cross
Chrono Trigger
30 Quarter of Past Creepue Journey to Silius
31 El Cazafantasmas jnWake
Paper Mario
32 Summer Without Love celtzcaneddie Mark Davis' The Fishing Master
33 Hammer Hand Affection State Battletoads & Double Dragon [NES]
34 Nebulous Existence Harjawaldar Pikmin 3
35 Snapplewanker! Omigadrive
Romancing SaGa 3
36 Onett Juja Earthbound
37 Let's Just Get Out of this Stupid Sewer Already Dennis Chrono Trigger
38 Gravity Shift Mega Beardo Solar Jetman
39 Simple Europe valence Terranigma
40 Last Fight of the Rusting Metal Knights Garpocalypse Herzog Zwei
41 Synthetic Chemicals Pumpkin King Sonic the Hedgehog 2
42 So Techno That it Belongs on OCReMix FoXdiE
Ys 6: The Ark of Napishtim
43 Rellax Hat Parallax
44 Rites Of The Seventh Guardian Gematriel
45 Lost Flame Six-Stringed Flamberge Subterranean Animism
46 Touch The Stars Aaronmac64 Super Mario Galaxy
47 The Biggest Banana chunkstyle
Kevin Lawrence
The Human Race
48 Kefka's Super Fun House juef Final Fantasy 6
49 Dreaming Nemo Eric's Little Shack Little Nemo: The Dream Master
50 Entering The Tournament Katajun Unreal Tournament
52 Screeching in the Reservoir Sindra Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
53 Bopping to Summertime Hale NowOnAFM Star Ocean
ALT Motivate Yourself Ivan Hakštok Brigandine: The Legend of Forsena
ALT Go to bed, Toroko... (2013 remaster) Corax
Cave Story
ALT Blended Cortex Mirby
Tuberz McGee
Crash Bandicoot: Warped
ALT Home At Last Tackle Final Fantasy 9
ALT Kratos Gaiden: Princess Technomanga's Kawaii Adventure Sir Jordanius God of War
ALT Mikau, Song of Healing Mikau Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
ALT To The Death goat Mecromage
ALT Contradiction! PokérusVGM Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
ALT All I Had Time for Was This Lousy Alt :( ansgaros Sonic the Hedgehog 2