March 2005: Free Month ZIP Archive of Songs

Play Rank Song Artist(s) Game(s)
1 Seized With Fury housethegrate Final Fantasy 6
2 Trevor's Reflection goat Castlevania 3: Dracula's Curse
3 Deadly Promises Darangen Final Fantasy 6
4 Spread Your Fire Against Me BrainCells
Contra: Shattered Soldier
Super C
5 Summer Time Hale-Bopp Star Ocean
6 Loungin' in the Giant Ashane Final Fantasy 4
7 Isle De Kirby The OneUps Kirby's Dream Land
8 Cyanide XMark Final Fantasy 6
8 Harboring Hostility M-H Street Fighter 2
10 Ride The Star CarboHydroM Kirby Super Star
11 Stab the Earth Ryan8bit Mega Man
11 Shattered Snappleman
13 Cyan's Theme Spiritsmith Final Fantasy 6
14 Race Against Time atomic Plok!
15 Final Fantasy 1 (acoustic) Jenova Project Final Fantasy
16 Casino Nights Kirk Sonic the Hedgehog 2
17 Dragon Warrior Geohazard Dragon Warrior
18 Perchance to Dream with Waking Eyes zykO Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
19 Acrobat Meltdown Raijin Acrobat Mission
20 Ecco the Dolphin: Thanks For All The Fish evilsonic Ecco the Dolphin
21 Clari's and Elliot's Love Song (nights into dreams) raubhimself NiGHTS into Dreams...
22 CaptainSR-406 Emptyeye F-Zero GX
23 MegaMedley Naifuzan Mega Man 2
Mega Man 3
24 Wicked Child PigKnuckle Castlevania
24 Last Dance of the Wizard frantic.frog Legacy of the Wizard
26 Bloodshed in the Rotten Wood Paragon Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
26 steve ballmer can kiss my plasma cannon spamtron Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Mega Man 3
28 Optimistic Beginnings Eric Dude Final Fantasy 4
28 MJ Jam Gonzo Michael Jackson's Moonwalker
30 Dr. Wily pingosimon Mega Man 2
30 End Mega Matt Mega Man 3
30 Zero-G Roll Koelsch1 Rollercoaster Tycoon 2
33 Golbeza Clad In The Dark Piano KLAX Final Fantasy 4
33 Bubbleman Mash Pad Mega Man 2
35 Raiden Trad PsykoMunky Raiden Trad
ALT We Hate Gaytona and We Want To Die (Please Stop Fucking Requesting It Edit) Eric Dude
Mega Matt
ALT Hammer Time KyleJCrb Super Mario Bros. 3