Artifact Containing the Ability to Allow Its Possessor to Somersault Into Enemies and Vaporize Them Instantly |
Super Metroid |
TheBitterRoost Demonstray |
February 2022: MetroidRedux Month |
17/25 |
Bartender. Straight. No Chaser. |
Hotel Dusk: Room 215 |
Siolfor the Jackal DeLuxDolemite Connor Engstrom |
August 2024: Mystery Month |
12/25 |
Flash and Destroy |
Mega Man 2 |
DeLuxDolemite Carrie Wood Sam Schwartz Connor Engstrom |
May 2024: Mega Man Redux Month |
32/34 |
Get Kill Ratio'd |
Quake 2 |
Siolfor the Jackal Ronin Op F roqdrummer Third Coast Recording |
February 2025: Katajun Month |
25/36 |
In the Wake of the Last Guest Leaving the Hotel After Dusk, I Prepare Room 215 for My Last Sleep |
Hotel Dusk: Room 215 |
Unknown Pseudoartist EndlessRepeat
July 2024: Free Month |
Madden Helmet Touch-Down! |
John Madden Football '93 |
pixelseph DeLuxDolemite Connor Engstrom |
February 2024: Free Month |
31/35 |
The Black Wind Howls At the Showdown With Magus |
Chrono Trigger |
Travis Snowberger |
September 2023: 20th Anniversary Month |
52/59 |
The Number of King K. Rool |
Donkey Kong Country |
TheBitterRoost tibonev |
November 2024: David Wise Month |
27/34 |
This is for You, Vorazio! |
Professor Layton and the Curious Village Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon Final Fantasy 6 Final Fantasy 7 |
Extrinzic |
August 2024: Mystery Month |
Venus Fire |
Thunder Force 3 |
DeLuxDolemite |
April 2024: Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Month |
28/28 |
Waiting to Party in the Wi-Fi Lobby |
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe |
darmock angrypolarbear TheBitterRoost
September 2024: Party Month |
16/24 |
Wish You Were Here (Live From Balamb Garden) |
Final Fantasy 8 |
pixelseph Connor Engstrom DeLuxDolemite Siolfor the Jackal donut |
November 2023: Final Fantasy Month |
13/31 |