Songs by The Rocket Knights

Songs featuring The Rocket Knights

Play Name Game(s) Other Artist(s) Duel Rank
Artifact Containing the Ability to Allow Its Possessor to Somersault Into Enemies and Vaporize Them Instantly Super Metroid TheBitterRoost
February 2022: MetroidRedux Month 17/25
Bartender. Straight. No Chaser. Hotel Dusk: Room 215 Siolfor the Jackal
Connor Engstrom
August 2024: Mystery Month 12/25
Flash and Destroy Mega Man 2 DeLuxDolemite
Carrie Wood
Sam Schwartz
Connor Engstrom
May 2024: Mega Man Redux Month 32/34
Get Kill Ratio'd Quake 2 Siolfor the Jackal
Ronin Op F
Third Coast Recording
February 2025: Katajun Month 25/36
In the Wake of the Last Guest Leaving the Hotel After Dusk, I Prepare Room 215 for My Last Sleep Hotel Dusk: Room 215 Unknown Pseudoartist
July 2024: Free Month ALT
Madden Helmet Touch-Down! John Madden Football '93 pixelseph
Connor Engstrom
February 2024: Free Month 31/35
The Black Wind Howls At the Showdown With Magus Chrono Trigger Travis Snowberger September 2023: 20th Anniversary Month 52/59
The Number of King K. Rool Donkey Kong Country TheBitterRoost
November 2024: David Wise Month 27/34
This is for You, Vorazio! Professor Layton and the Curious Village
Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon
Final Fantasy 6
Final Fantasy 7
Extrinzic August 2024: Mystery Month ALT
Venus Fire Thunder Force 3 DeLuxDolemite April 2024: Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Month 28/28
Waiting to Party in the Wi-Fi Lobby Mario Kart 8 Deluxe darmock
September 2024: Party Month 16/24
Wish You Were Here (Live From Balamb Garden) Final Fantasy 8 pixelseph
Connor Engstrom
Siolfor the Jackal
November 2023: Final Fantasy Month 13/31