Check Out These Shades |
Battletoads |
September 2009: Rareware Month |
9/13 |
Dance of the Winter |
Mega Man Zero 3 |
December 2008: Sidescrollers Month |
32/35 |
Impenetrable Fortress |
Makai Kingdom |
September 2007: Free Month |
15/17 |
Metal Castle |
Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest |
July 2009: Password Games Month |
17/17 |
More Thorns Than Most |
Disgaea 2 |
August 2009: Free Month |
25/25 |
No-One Can Answer |
Anticipation |
January 2014: Brevity Month |
25/39 |
Sleight of Hand |
Pokemon Trading Card Game |
October 2009: Gameboy Games Month |
10/10 |
Tears of a Wayward Soldier |
Lifeforce |
May 2008: Gradius Month |
12/15 |
The Falcon's Plight |
Ninja Gaiden 3: The Ancient Ship of Doom |
November 2009: Ninja Gaiden pt. 2 Month |
9/09 |
The Spark |
Final Fantasy X |
December 2013: MAGFest Month |
31/35 |
The Trees that Stand Througout Time |
Chrono Trigger |
June 2007: Free Month |
20/22 |
Virulent Blossom |
Phantasmagoria of Flower View |
February 2009: Free Month |
25/25 |
White Paw |
Touhou |
May 2009: Free Month |
15/22 |