Songs by FlextoneJunkie

Play Name Game(s) Duel Rank
5 Elf Acoustical Jam Ultima 3: Exodus April 2020: Free Month ALT
Ascii Adventures (Team PC) Megazeux December 2020: PC vs Console Month 10/27
BLJs for Days Super Mario 64 August 2020: Free Month 12/25
Chrono Trigger Beat to Relax/Battle To (Team Console) Chrono Trigger December 2020: PC vs Console Month ALT
Cuppa Joe Fighting Street October 2020: Launch Titles Month 4/11
Ghost of Gus Grover Shatterhand May 2006: Free Month 10/27
Got To Move (Flex's Version) Um Jammer Lammy April 2022: Free Month ALT
Joe Tammin' ToeJam & Earl October 2024: Aliens Month 9/26
Jump Banana Boomin' Ninja Gaiden 2: The Dark Sword of Chaos January 2022: Brevity Month 13/33
Knights of Olympus Battle of Olympus July 2018: Intro Month 4/08
Lord British Rock Ultima 3: Exodus April 2022: Free Month 8/32
Mark Davis' The Funk Master Mark Davis' The Fishing Master May 2020: Golf vs. Fishing Month ALT
ME ATTACK YOU Final Fantasy 4 September 2023: 20th Anniversary Month 29/59
Metal Play is My Name Hal's Hole in One Golf May 2020: Golf vs. Fishing Month 2/15
Peaceful Towns x2 Final Fantasy
Ultima Exodus [NES]
June 2024: Franchise Fusion Month ALT
Punch Punch Batman [NES] April 2020: Free Month 10/20
Shoulder Shrugs of Doom Final Fantasy Mystic Quest December 2005: RPGs Month 7/24
Skamus Aran Metroid February 2022: MetroidRedux Month 16/25
This Battle, it's so... Decisive Final Fantasy 6 September 2023: 20th Anniversary Month ALT
Tommy Tallarico's Magnum Opus Color a Dinosaur January 2022: Brevity Month ALT
Totally Not A Saga Final Fantasy Legend September 2018: Legacy Month 11/25
Tristram Man Diablo
Mega Man 2
June 2024: Franchise Fusion Month 7/26
TVR With A Capital 'T' Gran Turismo November 2020: Jazz vs. Funk Month 7/20
Umphrey's McTroid Metroid 2: Return of Samus February 2022: MetroidRedux Month ALT
Whap OK Kabooom Super Spike V'Ball December 2024: Super Smash Bros. Month ALT
World of Darkness Final Fantasy 3 September 2020: Final Fantasy 3 Month 7/17

Songs featuring FlextoneJunkie